No matter what.. for those who help you on your journey (life) you cant thank them enough.
Yes this is true~ like for instance my friends Yi Yue and Jastine they will always cheer me up. And when yi yue wrote SHUT UP WOMAN for me. I was so happy (not only yi yue's words were just beautiful and the same time creative) but because she would write those lovelyey words for me.. and tht time I was so so happy~the same time she gave me SHINEE'S wallpaper!! So cool! thanks so much Sharon ^_^ I just cant thank u enough for what you've had done for me. And you introduce me Shinee who is now my most favourite Korean Band! Thanks so much !!
And now ANN.. even though You and I when we were in Kepong3 i thought you were like those nerds that studies (and now you still are a nerd XDXD juz kidding) but now.. u help me so much!! You introduce me to Rangers! And they r awsome and yes you are awsome too ^^ Thanks for bringing me to AD Camp thx so much!!
And others too which help me alot, but I still think that my thanks are just not enough. Thanks so much guys, and i hope that I could return you guys! Hotoni Arigato!!