OMG! Im so damn damn damn angry!!! I hv never been this angry 4 like months now.. but still really angry!!!! K.. i will tell u y.. TOday like (aka yesterday) any normal friday, after science then geografi .. then once came in... BAM! SHe turn a YaU Jing already~ (witch) and no im not talking abt me.. but a really hateful WiTch tht's my geografi teacher ~ really hate her! First.. she kicked out some of the students cause did not do hmw (thts usual) , then she started to copy all the nota..
She copied it so fast.. then she check our 1 lo... she saw my friend aka jastine did not copy ~ she was underlining it in the textbook... but the WITch said tht she conteng the book and lazy 2 copy~ then.. u knw what its my turn.. i also underline it in the book because.. her words r so cakar ayam u knw.. cnt see. then hv to dunno draw what diagram i scared nt enough place.. apparently yes nt enough space she.. told us to leave 15 lines u knw.. not enough leh!! Need at least the whole page la where gt enough.. so then she scolded me like my friend.. and say i did not copy bla bla bla~ then wah... her perfume... really reeks.. so far away also cn smell it.. ew.. disgusting.. then she say i lazy.. and gonna wright my & jastine's name in buku kawalan .. ..
Tht time i really really angry at her.. so apologize~ 2 her and say me & jastine would never do it again.. man! tht time she say good~ u learn your lesson.. what the *$^&**&^ $%^&*$%^&&$# !!! So angry!!
Y all geografi teahcers in this school so... #$%^&&%$# before this teacher also lik tht ..aiyo...
Haiz.. the best geografi teach i knw its not in this school but in SMK SB.... haiz.. I really miss her.. she was the third or fourth teacher i lik there.. she use to joke arounfd the class and fototstat all the nota 4 us... no need to copy... and the cool part is tht she is nice to every1.. always bring the whole class to go around the school... haiz.. i miss my friends in SMK SB... and seniors... I WISH i could go back~